Visions from Patmos (Paperback)


In “Visions from Patmos” Isekhua Evborokhai skillfully combines fiction, Biblical, historical accounts into an easy-to-read narrative of the book of Revelations. Each chapter of the novel corresponds with the chapters of the book but it is not an interpretation of the book, nor a replacement, neither is it intended to “add to” or “take away from” what is written in it.


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In “Visions from Patmos” Isekhua Evborokhai skillfully combines fiction, Biblical, historical accounts into an easy-to-read narrative of the book of Revelations. Each chapter of the novel corresponds with the chapters of the book but it is not an interpretation of the book, nor a replacement, neither is it intended to “add to” or “take away from” what is written in it.


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    In “Visions from Patmos” Isekhua Evborokhai skillfully combines fiction, Biblical, historical accounts into an easy-to-read narrative of the book of Revelations. Each chapter of the novel corresponds with the chapters of the book but it is not an interpretation of the book, nor a replacement, neither is it intended to “add to” or “take away from” what is written in it.

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    Isekhua Evborokhai, in the pages of this book reveals and expounds that everything we do in life kicks off from our hearts and minds. Our actions, inactions and reactions. Our body language, our responses and silences – all of them are channels that output the thoughts of our hearts and minds. Our hearts and minds are priceless possessions the Lord has blessed us with; and they are worth giving everything we have to protect. They are very important to us because the things our hearts and minds focus on, whether positive or negative are the things we tend to attract to our lives. God takes the state of our hearts and contents of our thoughts seriously and so should we! If we fail to check our thought life, it can very quickly become our own worst enemy, poisoning us from within! Every innovation ever recorded in history started off as a thought; a product of the mind! And the driver of such innovation is the dream of success; a product of the heart! Between the heart and mind, we find the very core of all human existence! Because together, they determine the course of our lives! They determine whether we succeed or fail in life; they affect all our life’s choices and ultimately determine if we live or die! Without a doubt, both combined form a formidable powerhouse!

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    In the world today, individuals, businesses, communities and countries alike seek relevance. Hundreds of researches have also been embarked on in the corporate world for organizations to attain relevance and remain relevant to avoid becoming obsolete! The reason isn’t far-fetched! No individual wants to live through life without making an impact, or be labelled as “irrelevant”, inconsequential”, “insignificant” or “unimportant”; as a matter of fact, it will be a tragedy because from the beginning God did not intend for anyone of us to be that. That was why He “wired” us for relevance! Being relevant is not about style, status, personality, or popularity. To be relevant means you are someone to be reckoned with; someone of considerable importance, significance or influence. In this book, Isekhua Evborokhai pulls out ten foundational blocks a chapter of the psalms that holds true across all spheres of life.

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    Isekhua Evborokhai, in the pages of this book reveals and expounds that everything we do in life kicks off from our hearts and minds. Our actions, inactions and reactions. Our body language, our responses and silences – all of them are channels that output the thoughts of our hearts and minds. Our hearts and minds are priceless possessions the Lord has blessed us with; and they are worth giving everything we have to protect. They are very important to us because the things our hearts and minds focus on, whether positive or negative are the things we tend to attract to our lives. God takes the state of our hearts and contents of our thoughts seriously and so should we! If we fail to check our thought life, it can very quickly become our own worst enemy, poisoning us from within! Every innovation ever recorded in history started off as a thought; a product of the mind! And the driver of such innovation is the dream of success; a product of the heart! Between the heart and mind, we find the very core of all human existence! Because together, they determine the course of our lives! They determine whether we succeed or fail in life; they affect all our life’s choices and ultimately determine if we live or die! Without a doubt, both combined form a formidable powerhouse!

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    Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver: Applied Christianity 301 is the third and final part of a three-part series. It contains the third set of compilation of favourite scriptures and quotes of Isekhua Evborokhai on different topics that would pass as words aptly spoken. The entire series was inspired by Proverbs 25:11 – “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (NIV) It is the truth spoken to the body of Christ in love that will make every one of us grow and become like Him; with each and every one getting involved. Each chapter concludes with a section called “Apple Seeds”; these “apple seeds” are nuggets intended by the author to emphasize key points of the chapter and then invites the reader to identify their own “Apple seeds” so the reading of the book is not just a ritual but an experience. So I recommend that you “read with a pencil!”

    Walk The Talk, Live The Faith, Build On The Rock

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    Everything we do in life kicks off from our hearts and minds. Our actions, inactions and reactions. Our body language, our responses and silences – all of them are channels that output the thoughts of our hearts and minds. Our hearts and minds are priceless possessions the Lord has blessed us with; and they are worth giving everything we have to protect. They are very important to us because the things our hearts and minds focus on, whether positive or negative are the things we tend to attract to our lives. God takes the state of our hearts and contents of our thoughts seriously and so should we! If we fail to check our thought life, it can very quickly become our own worst enemy, poisoning us from within! Every innovation ever recorded in history started off as a thought; a product of the mind! And the driver of such innovation is the dream of success; a product of the heart! Between the heart and mind, we find the very core of all human existence! Because together, they determine the course of our lives! They determine whether we succeed or fail in life; they affect all our life’s choices and ultimately determine if we live or die! Without a doubt, both combined form a formidable powerhouse!