Trapped No More

Availability: SKU: TPNM002

Trapped no more is about rigorously pursuing freedom against all odds. In this book, the author shares her true life story of the horrific sexual abuse she suffered in Ireland, between the ages of eleven and seventeen, and how she survived.

Your heart will be stirred as you read in Camilla’s own words the dramatic accounts of the damage and the trauma rape can have, not just on the physical body but to the entirety of a person’s life. Camilla has also, in this book, shared the experiences of other survivors; victims who shared the pain, the ugliness and the aftermath of their various encounters.


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Product Description

Trapped no more is about rigorously pursuing freedom against all odds. In this book, the author shares her true life story of the horrific sexual abuse she suffered in Ireland, between the ages of eleven and seventeen, and how she survived.

Your heart will be stirred as you read in Camilla’s own words the dramatic accounts of the damage and the trauma rape can have, not just on the physical body but to the entirety of a person’s life. Camilla has also, in this book, shared the experiences of other survivors; victims who shared the pain, the ugliness and the aftermath of their various encounters.

As you Delve into this book you will discover the shocking details of sexual abuse in Ireland, as well as its rampant increase all over the world.

Trapped No More is not just a narration of survivors’ ordeals, but a resource for victims, survivors, parents, teachers and children. It does not only offer tried and trusted steps to those who wish to be liberated from the pain, hurt and stigma of sexual abuse, but also offers guidance for parents, teachers and protection for the young. It is a practical guide to total recovery. In it, you will learn how victims and survivors can be set free from the pain, where they can start from and who they can trust. It points you in the direction of where they can get the strength to break the silence, how they can manage relationship issues as well as the mental, physiological and physical trauma; and most importantly, it spells out the process of healing, liberation and total recovery.

In this book, Camilla speaks directly to the situation of those who hurt and offers hope, positive help and encouragement to those who want either a breakthrough or a changed life. She shares from practical, first-hand experience on how to overcome the challenges no matter how big, stubborn or difficult they may appear and rise again to live victoriously.


Additional Information

Dimensions 230 × 150 mm

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